Walter H. Keller, PE., AICP.
Walter Keller is a Registered Professional Engineer and Certified Planner. He has over thirty years professional experience in Traffic and Transportation, Land Development and Urban Planning. He founded Walter H. Keller, Inc., an Engineering and Planning Consulting Firm in Coral Springs, Florida, in 1983. Mr. Keller has served a multitude of public, private and international clients in more than 30 years of private practice. He has prepared more than 40 Comprehensive Plans in response to the State guidelines, Concurrency Management Systems and Impact Fee Studies. Since beginning private practice, Mr. Keller has prepared more than 300 traffic studies. He has been responsible for a variety of major public and private studies throughout the State of Florida and in the Caribbean. Mr. Keller is a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, the American Institute of Certified Planners, the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the American Planning Association.

Mary Flynn Keller, B.A.
Vice President—Principal
Mary Keller has over a thirty year professional background in administration, public relations and public education. Since 1985, she has been responsible for the WHK firm's administration and financial management, human resources, marketing and public involvement efforts. She has participated in numerous projects involving the private and public sector. The coordination of project schedules, public meetings, client work products, engagement of personnel for major data collection efforts and publication of report documents are some of her major efforts. Additional responsibilities include marketing activities, exhibit and trade shows. Prior to joining WHK, her experience with the Broward County School System provided her with a strong background in administration, leadership and community activities. As Faculty Coordinator and a member of the Southern Association Accreditation Team in Broward County, she was reponsible for the implementation of educational programs & evaluation processes within the school and community.