WHK Office Locations
The firm has 2 office locations. The Coral Springs Office is located in the Coral Springs Financial Center in the Coral Springs CRA. Please note the address for courier deliveries is: 3300 University Drive, Suite 627, Coral Springs, FL 33065. The mailing address is: P.O. Box 9740, Coral Springs, FL 33075. The Coral Springs phone numbers are: 954-755-3822; and, 954-755-3866 Fax.
The Sewall’s Point Office services the Treasure Coast Area. This office is located in the Sewall’s Point Office Plaza at 3727 SE Ocean Boulevard, Suite 200A, Sewall’s Point, FL 34996. The Sewall’s Point phone numbers are: 772-219-9079; and, 772-219-9279 Fax.
Maps of our office locations are found here:
Lauderdale by the Sea Comprehensive Plan Amendments Found in Compliance
The Town of Lauderdale by the Sea’s Plan Amendments were adopted on March 22, 2011 and transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for Compliance Review. The Town’s Plan Amendments included a Public School Facility Element, revisions to address Broward County Planning Council’s Recertification and new State requirements such as Green House Gas reductions. WHK was responsible for preparing the new Plan and support documents, coordination and Plan processing. The DCA found the Plan Amendments in Compliance on May 17, 2011.
Heron Bay Traffic Control Plan
WHK was selected to prepare a Traffic Control Plan for the Heron Bay Community located in Parkland and Coral Springs, Florida. Heron Bay is an upscale development with a mixture of residential, recreation and non-residential uses. The private gated community includes approximately 2,000 acres with more than 30 subdivisions and 26 miles of roadways. The Firm inventoried existing traffic control devices relative to compliance with State roadway and traffic guidelines. The Study was prepared to enable municipal traffic enforcement within the private community.
Palm Beach Shores Comprehensive Plan Found in Compliance
The Town of Palm Beach Shore’s EAR Based Plan Amendments were adopted on December 20, 2010 and transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for Compliance Review. The Town’s EAR Based Amendments provided the first major update of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan. This effort involved creating an electronic version of the older Plan including goals, objectives and policies, mapping, current data and analysis and new required Plan content. The Firm prepared a new Transportation Element, addressed the EAR Based Plan Amendments, developed the Water Supply Facility Work Plan and incorporated GHG requirements. WHK was responsible for preparing the new Plan and support documents, coordination and Plan processing. The DCA found the adopted amendments "in Compliance" on February 16, 2011.
WHK Available to Provide Professional Assistance
In today’s difficult economic conditions and technical challenges, WHK is uniquely qualified to assist local governments, attorneys, architects, developers and others on professional planning, traffic and civil engineering needs. The firm’s Coral Springs and Sewall’s Point offices and multi-discipline capabilities are available to meet clients out-sourcing needs. Contact Mary Keller at 954-755-3822 for information and or immediate assistance.
Pompano Beach Comprehensive Plan Found in Compliance by DCA
The City of Pompano Beach (population 101,000) EAR Based Plan Amendments were adopted by the City Commission and subsequently found “in Compliance” by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). WHK was responsible for revising several Plan Elements and formatting of the entire document for the 25 square mile City. Major revisions were necessary to address a 25% increase in the municipal area from the prior EAR Based Amendments. WHK prepared the Land Use, Transportation, Housing, Coastal Zone and Conservation Elements. The Firm was also responsible for preparing approximately 100 GIS based Plan graphics and for addressing new State Greenhouse Gas Emission requirements.
North Seagrape Drive Streetscape & Landscape Improvements
The Town of Lauderdale by the Sea in Broward County, Florida has been active in redevelopment efforts. Seagrape Drive is one of the Town’s major collector roadways. WHK prepared Streetscape and Landscape Plans as part of the redevelopment program. WHK served as the overall Project Manager and Engineer of Record. The Firm prepared the utility relocation, drainage, roadway, sidewalk, brick paver and street lighting Plans. Sub-consultants provided topographic survey and landscaping. The Firm was also responsible for permitting and construction observation.
Hillsboro Beach CRS-NFIP Assistance The Firm provides planning and engineering assistance to the barrier island the Town of Hillsboro Beach on a continuing basis. The Town asked WHK to assist the Town in preparing for the 5 Year Cycle Visit for the National Flood Insurance Program. As part of this effort, WHK coordinated needed efforts with other Town Departments, responded to information requests of the CRS-ISO Specialist and prepared GIS Based Flood and Zoning Maps. With WHK and the Town’s efforts, the Town received an improved classification resulting in additional flood insurance discounts for the Town’s residents. WHK is providing continuing assistance in this effort.
Beulah Smith High School Traffic Study – Grand Cayman Island, B.W.I.
WHK was selected by OWPP Architects of Chicago, Illinois, to prepare a Traffic Study of a proposed High School located in the West Bay portion of Grand Cayman Island. The Study was prepared for the Ministry of Education. The Firm was responsible for site traffic data collection, traffic impact findings and site improvement recommendations. The Study’s findings were accepted by the government’s Road Authority.
News updated June 2011