WHK was retained to prepare a study of traffic access, traffic circulation and parking for Fisher Island, Florida. The study addressed existing and future conditions of the 275 acre island located just south of Miami Beach. The objectives of the Parking and Traffic Study were:

  • To Quantify the Island's Existing Parking and Traffic Conditions;
  • Provide Recommendations to Alleviate Existing Parking and Traffic Congestion as Necessary;
  • Provide Recommendations Relative to Golf Cart Operations;
  • Identify the Island's Future Parking and Traffic Conditions Considering Build-Out Residential Development and Club Membership Scenarios
  • Provide Recommendations on Ferry Operations and Capacity Demands

The firm collected traffic counts during the peak season, monitored ferry operations and assessed parking demands considering ultimate build-out from 600 to 900 dwelling and hotel units. The firm prepared a capital improvement and monitoring program. WHK also assisted the developer in County Zoning Hearings. Examples of expertise in this effort include:

  • Traffic Data Collection
  • Site Inventories
  • Traffic Circulation Analysis
  • Parking Studies
  • Future Traffic Forecast
  • Traffic Operations Analysis
  • Improvement Alternatives
  • Cost Estimates
  • Capital Improvement Program